Shipping to Port of New York & New Jersey
United States
Looking to ship from China to the Port of New York & New Jersey in USA? China-based freight forwarder CNXtrans can help you consolidate and ship your goods from China to the Port of New York & New Jersey by sea freight. Air freight is also available to an airport in or close to New York & New Jersey. Alternatively, instead of just shipping to the Port of New York & New Jersey, CNXtrans also offers full door to door shipping all the way to your address in New York & New Jersey or anywhere in USA.
About Shipping to Port of New York & New Jersey
How best to ship by sea freight from China to the Port of New York & New Jersey?
One way which CNXtrans can help you ship by sea freight from China to the Port of New York & New Jersey is on a FCL (Full Container Load) or LCL (Less Container Load) basis. If we ship this way, you will need to hire your own customs broker in New York & New Jersey to help you with customs clearance. FCL and LCL shipping do not come inclusive of any customs duties in USA and destination port charges. Both customs duties and destination port charges will be payable once the shipment has arrived in New York & New Jersey. You can either pick up the goods at the Port of New York & New Jersey or arrange to have your agent to collect the goods from the Port of New York & New Jersey and deliver all the way to your address.
Alternatively, CNXtrans can also ship by sea freight to your address in New York & New Jersey or anywhere in USA on a door to door basis. With door to door sea freight shipments from China to New York & New Jersey or anywhere in USA, CNXtrans will be able to include customs clearance service, customs duties, destination port charges and delivery all the way to your address in USA. This will save your the hassle of having to hire your own customs broker in USA or worrying about having to pay customs duties and destination port charges in USA without knowing how much they will cost. With door to door sea freight shipping from China to USA via CNXtrans, all the these costs are included upfront in the shipping fee that you pay to CNXtrans, giving you a peace of mind and all you have to do is wait for the shipment to be delivered to your door.
Port of New York & New Jersey
The Port of New York and New Jersey is the gateway to one of the most concentrated consumer markets in North America. The Port of New York and New Jersey is the largest port on America’s East Coast, and is the third largest in the nation. The Port of New York and New Jersey’s ability to get goods into the hands of consumers quickly gives them the competitive edge along with receiving 72% of first port of calls in the East Coast.
The Port of New York and New Jersey is the port district of the New York-Newark metropolitan area, encompassing the region within approximately a 25-mile (40 km) radius of the Statue of Liberty National Monument. The Port of New York and New Jersey includes the system of navigable waterways in the New York–New Jersey Harbor Estuary, which runs along over 770 miles (1,240 km) of shoreline in the vicinity of New York City and northeastern New Jersey, as well as the region's airports and supporting rail and roadway distribution networks. Considered one of the largest natural harbors in the world, the port currently stands as the third busiest port by tonnage in the United States and is the busiest on the East Coast.
The Port of New York and New Jersey is the nation's top gateway for international flights and its busiest center for overall passenger and air freight flights. There are two foreign-trade zones (FTZ) within the Port of New York and New Jersey.
The Port of New York and New Jersey essentially serves as a vital economic engine for the largest metropolitan area in United States. Established through a bi-state compact in 1921, it is one of the oldest, largest, and most diverse public authorities in the United States in terms of the types of assets within and volume of passengers and cargo moving through the Port District.
The Port New York and New Jersey’s port facilities consist of over 3,000 acres of property spread across its primary facilities —
• Port Newark (PN)
• Elizabeth-Port Authority Marine Terminal (Elizabeth PAMT)
• Howland Hook Marine Terminal (Howland Hook MT)
• Port Jersey-Port Authority Marine Terminal (Port Jersey PAMT)
• Brooklyn-Port Authority Marine Terminal (Brooklyn PAMT)
The Port of New York and New Jersey is the largest containerized cargo port on the East Coast and third largest in North America, serving a local population of over 27 million people. In addition to the Port of New York and New Jersey’s port facilities, the Port also includes numerous privately owned dry and liquid bulk terminals, general cargo and barging facilities, cruise terminals, ferry landings, and recreational users, as well as vessel support facilities (such as tie-up berths, marine fueling facilities, and tug support).
The Port of New York and New Jersey is the first public transportation agency in the U.S. to embrace the Paris Climate Agreement – targeting 80% reduction in greenhouse gases reduction by 2050.
The Port of New York and New Jersey leads by example as it progressively moves to low- and zero-emissions operations across its terminal facilities, including converting to electric port vehicles and equipment at all its facilities, develop pilot programs and initiatives, including potential for continued rollout of hybrid-power and electrified port vehicles and container handling equipment.
楽しみ無料CNXtrans Warehouse での倉庫サービス

CNXtrans は、倉庫での商品の保管について料金を請求しません。したがって、必要なさまざまなサプライヤーからのすべての注文を時間をかけて行うことができます-すべての商品が到着し、国際発送の準備が整うまで、すべての商品(すでに到着したもの)を倉庫に保管します.
CNXtrans does は、倉庫での荷物のラベル付けについて料金を請求しません。 Amazon FBA 倉庫に出荷する目的でパッケージに Amazon FBA ステッカーでラベルを付ける必要がある場合でも、会社のロゴにあなたの会社を貼り付ける必要がある場合でも、ステッカーをメールで送信してください (contact@cnxtrans.com)無料で貼り付けます.
CNXtrans does は、倉庫での商品の再梱包に対して料金を請求しません。すべてのパッケージが到着したら、国際配送のためにそれらにアクセスし、容積重量を最小限に抑えて国際配送コストを最小限に抑えるための最も効率的な方法で梱包する方法を決定します.これには、特定のアイテムに小さなパッケージを使用することや、異なるパッケージのすべてのアイテムを 1 つの大きなパッケージにまとめることが含まれる場合があります。体積重量を最小限に抑えるために必要なことは何でもします.
CNXtrans は、パッケージを 1 つの出荷にまとめることに対して料金を請求しません。これは、複数のサプライヤー/工場/Alibaba メーカーから購入している場合に理想的です しかし、送料を最小限に抑えるために、すべての商品を 1 つの国際配送としてまとめて発送したい場合.混載は再梱包と混同されることがありますが、実際には再梱包の有無にかかわらず混載が発生する可能性があります。混載とは、複数のパッケージを 1 つの出荷として同時に出荷する行為を指します。すべてを 1 つの大きなパッケージにまとめる必要はありません。まとめて (同時に) 出荷される限り、1 つの混載出荷と見なされます。出荷ごとに基本配送料 (最低配送料と見なすことができます) があり、複数のパッケージを同時に配送する (これは混載配送を構成します) ことで、支払う代わりにこの基本料金を一度だけ支払う必要があることが保証されます。個別に出荷されるすべてのパッケージに適用されます。
1 つのパッケージに再梱包しなくても、複数のパッケージを同時に出荷すると、基本出荷重量が 1 回だけ請求されるため、節約に役立ちます。当然のことながら、お客様の貨物に適切であると判断された場合は、再梱包を伴う混載も可能です。お客様の貨物を査定した後、すべての商品を 1 つの大きな梱包にまとめるか、またはより少ない梱包にまとめることが容積重量の削減に役立つと判断した場合は、お客様に代わって再梱包を行います。無料.