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Shipping to Port of Savannah
United States
Looking to ship from China to the Port of Savannah in USA? China-based freight forwarder CNXtrans can help you consolidate and ship your goods from China to the Port of Savannah by sea freight. Air freight is also available to an airport in or close to Savannah. Alternatively, instead of just shipping to the Port of Savannah, CNXtrans also offers full door to door shipping all the way to your address in Savannah or anywhere in USA.
About Shipping to Port of Savannah
How best to ship by sea freight from China to the Port of Savannah?
One way which CNXtrans can help you ship by sea freight from China to the Port of Savannah is on a FCL (Full Container Load) or LCL (Less Container Load) basis. If we ship this way, you will need to hire your own customs broker in Savannah to help you with customs clearance. FCL and LCL shipping do not come inclusive of any customs duties in USA and destination port charges. Both customs duties and destination port charges will be payable once the shipment has arrived in Savannah. You can either pick up the goods at the Port of Savannah or arrange to have your agent to collect the goods from the Port of Savannah and deliver all the way to your address.
Alternatively, CNXtrans can also ship by sea freight to your address in Savannah or anywhere in USA on a door to door basis. With door to door sea freight shipments from China to Savannah or anywhere in USA, CNXtrans will be able to include customs clearance service, customs duties, destination port charges and delivery all the way to your address in USA. This will save your the hassle of having to hire your own customs broker in USA or worrying about having to pay customs duties and destination port charges in USA without knowing how much they will cost. With door to door sea freight shipping from China to USA via CNXtrans, all the these costs are included upfront in the shipping fee that you pay to CNXtrans, giving you a peace of mind and all you have to do is wait for the shipment to be delivered to your door.
Port of Savannah
Operated by the Georgia Ports Authority, the Port of Savannah is home to the largest single-terminal container facility of its kind in North America and is the fourth busiest port in the nation. The Port of Savannah handled 9.3 percent of total U.S. containerized cargo volume and 10.5 percent of all U.S. containerized exports in FY2020. The Port of Savannah is located within 300 miles of 37.2 million residents, 11 major metro areas, eight major international airports and five major ports.
The Port of Savannah’s ideal location on the Atlantic Ocean in the southeastern part of the United States puts 65 percent of the U.S. population within a two-day drive by ground, water, rail or air.
The Port of Savannah is a major U.S. seaport located at Savannah, Georgia. As of 2021, the Port of Savannah was the fourth busiest seaport in the United States. The Port of Savannah’s facilities for oceangoing vessels line both sides of the Savannah River and are approximately 18 miles (29 km) from the Atlantic Ocean. Operated by the Georgia Ports Authority (GPA), the Port of Savannah competes primarily with the Port of Charleston in Charleston, South Carolina to the northeast, and the Port of Jacksonville in Jacksonville, Florida to the south. The GPA operates one other Atlantic seaport in Georgia, the Port of Brunswick. The state also manages three interior ports linked to the Gulf of Mexico: Port Bainbridge, Port Columbus, and a facility at Cordele, Georgia linked by rail to the Port of Savannah. In the 1950s, the Port of Savannah was the only facility to see an increase in trade while the country experienced a decline in trade of 5%.
The Port of Savannah’s global carrier network, superior location and faster-to-market service record provide vital links to international markets. Their owner-operated terminal offers greater flexibility, and the power to tailor our services to the needs of US-based importers.
As the size of international vessels has grown, so has the need to create a port that can capably handle them. With the Savannah Harbor Expansion Project (SHEP), the Port of Savannah will conveniently accommodate the new standard of vessel growth for global shipping. The project, which was completed in 2022, deepened the Savannah Harbor from a depth of 42 feet to 47 feet and also extended the entrance channel by 7 miles and deepened the outer harbor for approximately 18.5 miles into the Atlantic Ocean. This deepening allows larger, more efficient container vessels to use the Port of Savannah with fewer weight and tidal restrictions. Inner harbor work at the Port of Savannah also included constructing three bend wideners and two meeting areas and enlarging the Kings Island Turning Basin at the Garden City Terminal.
With the completion of the Panama Canal expansion, the midwest has become the new battleground. Georgia Port Authority’s Mid-American Arc is an initiative that will focus on the growth of intermodal rail, extending the Port of Savannah’s reach to capture new markets ranging in an arc from Atlanta to Memphis, St. Louis, Chicago and the Ohio Valley. The Port of Savannah International Multi-Modal Connector is a key facet. This $128 million project is designed to increase rail capacity at the Port of Savannah. It will link the Garden City Terminal’s two rail yards, improving efficiency and doubling the terminal’s rail lift capacity to approximately 1 million containers each year. It will be the largest on-port rail facility of its kind on the U.S. East Coast- all within the terminal’s current footprint. Specifically, the International Multi-Modal Connector will include:
Mason ICTF track expansion with Rail Mounted Gantry (RMG) equipment
Multi-rail connect between Mason and Chatham
SR 25 Overpass
Rail crossings over Pipemaker’s Canal
Chatham ICTF track expansion
MenikmatiGratisJasa Pergudangan di Gudang CNXtrans

Penyimpanan Gratis Tanpa Batas
CNXtrans tidak mengenakan biaya untuk penyimpanan barang di gudang kami. Sehingga Anda dapat meluangkan waktu untuk membuat semua pesanan dari berbagai pemasok yang perlu Anda buat - kami akan menyimpan semua barang Anda (yang sudah tiba) di gudang kami sampai semuanya tiba dan Anda siap untuk mengirim ke luar negeri
Pelabelan Paket Gratis
CNXtrans tidak mengenakan biaya untuk pelabelan paket di gudang kami. Apakah Anda memerlukan kami untuk memberi label pada paket Anda dengan stiker Amazon FBA untuk tujuan pengiriman ke gudang Amazon FBA atau Anda membutuhkan kami untuk menempelkan logo perusahaan Anda pada perusahaan Anda, cukup kirimkan stiker tersebut kepada kami melalui email ( kami akan menempelkannya untuk Anda tanpa biaya.
Layanan Pengemasan Ulang Gratis
CNXtrans tidak mengenakan biaya untuk pengemasan ulang barang di gudang kami. Setelah semua paket Anda tiba, kami akan mengaksesnya untuk pengiriman internasional dan memutuskan bagaimana mengemasnya dengan cara yang paling efisien untuk meminimalkan berat volumetrik Anda dan dengan demikian meminimalkan biaya pengiriman internasional Anda. Ini mungkin melibatkan penggunaan paket yang lebih kecil untuk item tertentu atau hanya menggabungkan semua item dari paket yang berbeda menjadi satu paket besar - kami akan melakukan apa pun untuk meminimalkan berat volumetrik Anda.
Konsolidasi Paket Gratis
CNXtrans tidak mengenakan biaya untuk menggabungkan paket Anda menjadi satu pengiriman. Ini sangat ideal jika Anda membeli dari beberapa pemasok/pabrik/produsen Alibaba tetapi ingin agar semua barang Anda dikirim bersama sebagai satu pengiriman internasional untuk meminimalkan biaya pengiriman Anda. Konsolidasi terkadang disalahartikan dengan pengemasan ulang tetapi pada kenyataannya konsolidasi dapat dilakukan dengan atau tanpa pengemasan ulang. Konsolidasi hanya mengacu pada tindakan pengiriman beberapa paket secara bersamaan sebagai satu pengiriman - mereka tidak semua harus digabungkan menjadi satu paket besar - selama mereka dikirim bersama-sama (bersamaan) dianggap sebagai satu pengiriman konsolidasi. Ada biaya pengiriman dasar (yang dapat dianggap sebagai biaya pengiriman minimum) untuk setiap pengiriman yang Anda lakukan dan pengiriman beberapa paket secara bersamaan (yang merupakan pengiriman gabungan) memastikan bahwa Anda hanya perlu membayar biaya dasar ini sekali daripada membayar itu untuk setiap paket yang dikirim secara terpisah.
Bahkan tanpa mengemasnya kembali menjadi satu paket, pengiriman beberapa paket secara bersamaan membantu Anda menghemat karena Anda hanya dikenai biaya pengiriman dasar sekali. Ini membantu mengurangi biaya pengiriman internasional Anda. Secara alami, jika dianggap sesuai untuk kiriman Anda, konsolidasi dapat disertai dengan pengemasan ulang juga - setelah menilai kiriman Anda jika kami menganggap bahwa menggabungkan semua item menjadi satu paket besar tunggal atau menjadi lebih sedikit paket dapat membantu mengurangi berat volumetrik Anda, kami akan melakukannya untuk Anda tanpa biaya.