Shipping to Port of Vancouver
Looking to ship from China to the Port of Vancouver in Canada? China-based freight forwarder CNXtrans can help you consolidate and ship your goods from China to the Port of Vancouver by sea freight. Air freight is also available to an airport in or close to Vancouver. Alternatively, instead of just shipping to the Port of Vancouver, CNXtrans also offers full door to door shipping all the way to your address in Vancouver or anywhere in Canada.
About Shipping to Port of Vancouver
How best to ship by sea freight from China to the Port of Vancouver?
One way which CNXtrans can help you ship by sea freight from China to the Port of Vancouver is on a FCL (Full Container Load) or LCL (Less Container Load) basis. If we ship this way, you will need to hire your own customs broker in Vancouver to help you with customs clearance. FCL and LCL shipping do not come inclusive of any customs duties in Canada and destination port charges. Both customs duties and destination port charges will be payable once the shipment has arrived in Vancouver. You can either pick up the goods at the Port of Vancouver or arrange to have your agent to collect the goods from the Port of Vancouver and deliver all the way to your address.
Alternatively, CNXtrans can also ship by sea freight to your address in Vancouver or anywhere in Canada on a door to door basis. With door to door sea freight shipments from China to Vancouver or anywhere in Canada, CNXtrans will be able to include customs clearance service, customs duties, destination port charges and delivery all the way to your address in Canada. This will save your the hassle of having to hire your own customs broker in Canada or worrying about having to pay customs duties and destination port charges in Canada without knowing how much they will cost. With door to door sea freight shipping from China to Canada via CNXtrans, all the these costs are included upfront in the shipping fee that you pay to CNXtrans, giving you a peace of mind and all you have to do is wait for the shipment to be delivered to your door.
One more alternative that CNXtrans offers for customers looking to ship from China to Vancouver is to simply ship from China to a partner warehouse located in Vancouver close to the Port of Vancouver. This type of shipments will also be done on a door-to door basis meaning that the shipment will also include customs clearance, customs duties, destination port fees and delivery to the partner warehouse in Vancouver. You will not need to hire your own customs broker or pay any customs duties in Canada. Once the shipment has arrived at the port warehouse in Vancouver, you will then need to make arrangements to have the goods collected from there.
Port of Vancouver
The Port of Vancouver is the largest port in Canada and the fourth largest in North America by tonnes of cargo, facilitating trade between Canada and more than 170 world economies. The Port of Vancouver is managed by the Vancouver Fraser Port Authority, which was created in 2008 as an amalgamation of the former Port of Vancouver, the North Fraser Port Authority, and the Fraser River Port Authority. The Port of Vancouver is the principal authority for shipping and port-related land and sea use in the Metro Vancouver region.
The Port of Vancouver is managed by the Vancouver Fraser Port Authority, formerly called Port Metro Vancouver. The Port of Vancouver was created with the responsibility for the stewardship of the federal port lands in and around Vancouver, British Columbia. The Port of Vancouver was created as a financially self-sufficient company that is accountable to the federal minister of transport and operates pursuant to the Canada Marine Act. The Port of Vancouver port authority and port terminals and tenants are responsible for the efficient and reliable movement of goods and passengers, integrating environmental, social and economic sustainability initiatives into all areas of port operations.
The Vancouver Fraser Port Authority is the federal agency responsible for the stewardship of the lands and waters that make up the Port of Vancouver, Canada’s largest port. Trade through the Port of Vancouver connects Canadian businesses and consumers with the variety of products that we use every day from markets across the globe, and generates tax revenues and secure employment for local communities.
Port of Vancouver: Canada’s largest port
Located on the southwest coast of British Columbia, the Port of Vancouver extends from Roberts Bank and the Fraser River up to and including Burrard Inlet. Geographically, the Port of Vancouver includes more than 16,000 hectares of water, more than 1,500 hectares of land and hundreds of kilometers of shoreline, bordering 16 municipalities and intersecting the traditional territories and treaty lands of several Coast Salish First Nations.
The Port of Vancouver is about the same size as the next five largest Canadian ports combined. Home to 29 major terminals, the port is able to handle the most diversified range of cargo in North America: bulk, containers, breakbulk, liquid bulk, automobiles and cruise. As the country’s gateway to over 170 trading economies around the world, the Port of Vancouver handles $1 of every $3 of Canada’s trade in goods outside of North America. Enabling the trade of approximately $275 billion in goods, port activities sustain 115,300 jobs, $7 billion in wages, and $11.9 billion in GDP across Canada.
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무료 무제한 저장용량
CNXtrans는 창고에 상품을 보관하는 데 비용을 청구하지 않습니다. 따라서 다양한 공급업체로부터 필요한 모든 주문을 완료하는 데 시간을 할애할 수 있습니다. 모든 상품이 도착하고 국제 배송 준비가 완료될 때까지 모든 상품(이미 도착한 상품)을 당사 창고에 보관합니다.
패키지의 무료 라벨링
CNXtrans 는 당사 창고에서 패키지 라벨링에 대해 비용을 청구하지 않습니다. Amazon FBA 창고로 배송할 목적으로 패키지에 Amazon FBA 스티커로 라벨을 부착해야 하거나 회사 로고에 회사 로고를 부착해야 하는 경우 이메일(contact@cnxtrans.com) 무료로 붙여드립니다.
무료 재포장 서비스
CNXtrans 우리 창고에서 상품 재포장 비용을 청구하지 않습니다. 모든 패키지가 도착하면 국제 배송을 위해 액세스하고 부피 중량을 최소화하여 국제 운송 비용을 최소화하는 가장 효율적인 방법으로 패키지를 포장하는 방법을 결정할 것입니다. 여기에는 특정 품목에 대해 더 작은 패키지를 사용하거나 단순히 다른 패키지의 모든 품목을 하나의 큰 패키지로 결합하는 것이 포함될 수 있습니다. 부피 중량을 최소화하기 위해 필요한 모든 조치를 취할 것입니다.
패키지의 무료 통합
CNXtrans는 패키지를 단일 배송으로 통합하는 데 비용을 청구하지 않습니다. 이는 여러 공급업체/공장/Alibaba Manufacturers 하지만 배송 비용을 최소화하기 위해 모든 상품을 단일 국제 배송으로 함께 배송하려는 경우에 이상적입니다. 통합은 때때로 재포장과 혼동되지만 실제로 통합은 재포장 여부에 관계없이 올 수 있습니다. 통합은 단순히 여러 패키지를 단일 배송으로 동시에 배송하는 행위를 말합니다. 모든 패키지를 하나의 큰 패키지로 결합할 필요는 없습니다. 함께 배송되는 한(동시에) 하나의 통합 배송으로 간주됩니다. 여러 패키지를 동시에 배송(통합 배송 구성)하는 각 배송에 대해 기본 배송료(최소 배송료로 생각할 수 있음)가 있으므로 지불하는 대신 이 기본 비용을 한 번만 지불하면 됩니다. 별도로 배송되는 모든 단일 패키지에 대해 제공됩니다.
단일 패키지로 재포장하지 않아도 여러 패키지를 동시에 배송하면 기본 배송 중량이 한 번만 청구되기 때문에 비용을 절감할 수 있습니다. 국제 배송 비용을 줄이는 데 도움이 됩니다. 당연히 귀하의 발송물에 적합하다고 판단되는 경우 재포장과 함께 통합할 수도 있습니다. 발송물을 평가한 후 모든 품목을 하나의 대형 패키지 또는 더 적은 수의 패키지로 결합하는 것이 부피 중량을 줄이는 데 도움이 된다고 판단되는 경우 귀하를 위해 그렇게 할 것입니다. 무료입니다.