It's an open secret. More and more Amazon sellers (especially Amazon FBA sellers) obtain their supplies and inventory from China, where you often the highest quality to price ratio. This is why the majority of the goods in the world are produced in China.
Many Amazon FBA sellers obtain their inventory from factories, manufacturers and suppliers in China via platforms like Alibaba and Made-in-China etc. Factories in China generally work on a EXW basis and will generally require you to have your own shipping agent in China before taking your orders.
With the ever-increasing trend of Amazon sellers buying their supplies from China, shipping from China to Amazon warehouses in the US, Canada, UK, Europe, Australia and other parts of the world has seen a booming demand. Many Amazon FBA sellers are former dropshippers who have found the 'right product' and have decided to specialize in selling it to their primary target markets (and have the inventory sent to the Amazon FBA warehouses there). They know that dropshippers will not be able to match their fulfillment speed and lower shipping prices - since goods are shipped in bulk, the per unit shipping cost is less than with dropshippers. Therefore Amazon FBA sellers have an edge over dropshippers.
However, you will find that not every freight forwarder and shipping agent in China has access to shipping routes that can deliver all the way to Amazon FBA warehouses around the world. Such shipping routes require special partnerships with local customs agents that can handle customs clearance (because Amazon will not handle customs clearance for you) and delivery couriers that are approved by Amazon to handle the delivery all the way to their Fulfillment Warehouses.
Therefore, shipping from China to Amazon FBA warehouses around the world requires specialized freight forwarders in China that have access to such shipping routes. It is also important that your freight forwarder in China is familiar with the labeling and documentation work required for shipping to Amazon warehouses and is familiar with the general Amazon FBA requirements before sending your shipments out.
For example, did you know that for shipments to Amazon FBA warehouses, boxes containing multiple standard-size items must not exceed 150 cm on any side? Also, boxes must not exceed the standard weight limit of 30 kg, unless they contain one single oversized item that exceeds 30 kg. For a single oversized item that exceeds 30 kg, you need to attach a label that clearly indicates Manual Pallet Jack Lift on the top and sides of the box. You can read more about Amazon FBA packaging requirements here.
A prominent freight forwarding service in China that specializes in shipping from China to Amazon warehouses around the world is CNXtrans. CNXtrans is familiar with all the packaging and shipping requirements for shipments to Amazon FBA warehouses and will help ensure that your goods are packed and labeled correctly before having them shipped out from China to Amazon FBA warehouses around the world.
For shipments to Amazon warehouses in the US and Canada, CNXtrans offers special Amazon approved air and sea freight routes that come inclusive of customs clearance, customs duties and delivery all the way to Amazon warehouses. For shipments to Amazon Warehouses in Australia, CNXtrans offers air and sea shipping routes inclusive of customs clearance and all the way to Amazon warehouses.
For shipments to Amazon warehouses in the UK and Europe, CNXtrans again offers special Amazon approved air and train shipping routes which also come inclusive of customs clearance, customs duties (including VAT) and delivery all the way to the Amazon warehouses. You therefore will not need a customs broker or to pay any customs duties. This is important since Amazon will not pay any customs duties on your behalf. CNXtrans also ships to Amazon FBA warehouses in other countries around the globe such as UAE - contact CNXtrans at for more details.
Furthermore, CNXtrans does not charge for receiving packages or storage of goods at its warehouse. CNXtrans also does not charge for consolidation of goods, labeling and packaging your goods according to Amazon FBA requirements.
CNXtrans handles hundreds of shipments to Amazon warehouses all over the world each month and is the ideal service for Amazon sellers like you looking to have your goods shipped in bulk from China to Amazon warehouses in the most cost efficient way possible.
Visit CNXtrans at for more details.