Businesses all over the world are sourcing goods from Chinese factories, manufacturers and suppliers via Alibaba. Why does Alibaba have such a big pull and why is it so widely used? Here are some of the important advantages in buying from Alibaba when sourcing from China:
1. Affordable – Alibaba’s wholesale prices are among the lowest you’ll find anywhere
2. Wide product range – It carries millions of products. A search for “cotton towel”, for example, returns 70,203 results. You can use the filters to narrow down your options
3. Easy to use – The Alibaba portal has a user-friendly interface and supports 16 languages. To buy, you simply:
Create an Alibaba account (it’s free)
Search for products
Search for suppliers and contact them
Negotiate a deal, including price and payment method
Order samples and verify their quality
Place your order and pay for it
Receive your goods (and start selling)
4. Verified suppliers – Alibaba runs a verification program for its suppliers. There are three levels of checks – authentication and verification (A&V), onsite checks and supplier assessment. These are carried out by Alibaba personnel and/or third-party inspection companies. Suppliers who opt for verification are categorized as “Gold Suppliers” or Verified Suppliers”.
5. Quality control – Alibaba offers buyers “Product Monitoring” and “Inspection” services for a fee. Under Product Monitoring, an Alibaba service team tracks the production process and provides regular updates to the buyer. Inspection services are carried out by a third-party company, which checks for quantity, conformity (with style, color, label, packing, etc), workmanship and functionality. Additionally, Alibaba’s “Trade Assurance” program ensures your products meet stated quality standards and are shipped on time. If these conditions are not met, you can claim a refund.
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