CONTAINERSHIPS are still renting US$160,000 a day despite import fears, with demand to transport cargo weakening, reports BeyondWords.
"The charter market is undeterred by the weaker sentiment across the global shipping industry and remains extremely strong," said data provider Alphaliner.
"Charter rates continue to evolve at historic highs with, remarkable gains achieved by certain sizes." There is "a continuing bonanza."
Alphaliner reported that BAL Container Line chartered the 4,600-TEU Northern Prelude for $160,000 per day for 40 to 60 days.
Sinotrans also chartered the 2,743-TEU X-Press Mekong for $149,000 per day for 40 to 45 days.
"This rate is not far off the historical high of $175,000 per day [for that size category] obtained in January," said Alphaliner.
Ships with capacities of 700 to 800 TEU are being employed at $20,000 to $30,000 per day. Most recently, SITC chartered the 724-TEU Atlantic Pioneer for $30,000 per day.
Zim chartered the 4,520-TEU sister ships Seaspan Chiba and Seaspan Kobe for five years at $43,000 per day.
"The continued fall in spot rates on most major routes is obviously a concern, but they remain at historical highs for now, giving both NOOs [non-operating owners, the companies that lease ships to liners] and charterers confidence in short-term market prospects," said Alphaliner.
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