The Alabama Port Authority has announced the results of its 2021 Economic Impact Study, which showed that the Port of Mobile delivered US$85 billion in value to the State of Alabama over the calendar year 2021, reported the American Journal of Transportation.
The economic impact study was conducted by Martin Associates, with results showing 217 per cent increase in overall economic impact, a 94 per cent increase in jobs, and a 225 per cent increase in tax revenues.
"These results are cause for celebration throughout Alabama," said US Senator Richard Shelby, vice chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee. "The impact that the Port of Mobile has already had on Alabama's economy is remarkable."
Said Alabama Port Authority CEO John Driscoll: "These numbers make it clear that the Port of Mobile is a tremendous asset to the State of Alabama. We believe that the Port of Mobile is the most dynamic, compelling port in America."
The Martin Associates report showed that Mobile is the fastest-growing container terminal in the US over the past five years, with 54.9 per cent volume growth since 2017. It is strategically located in the northern Gulf of Mexico with access to an international airport and two interstate systems, I-65 running north/south and I-10 running east/west.
The intermodal container transfer facility (ICTF), which will be an on-dock facility by 2025, provides access to five Class I and four short-line railways. From the ICTF in Mobile, containers can reach Chicago in three days.
The port offers access to 15,000 miles of inland waterways. Once the channel deepening and widening project is completed, then becoming the deepest container terminal on the Gulf of Mexico.
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