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CNXshipping offers international shipping to China from more than 200 countries worldwide
CNXshipping offers international shipping to China by air, sea or rail
Air shipping is fastest route, mostly for smaller shipments where speed is a priority. Ocean shipments are meant for larger shipments such as shipping in pallets or containers on an LCL or FCL basis. Train shipments are also meant for larger shipments of at least 100kg in shipping weight and is only available for shipments from Europe to China.

Air Shipping/Freight

Ocean Shipping/Freight

Train Shipping/Rail Freight

We can either collect your goods from their current location (would cost more) or give you the addresses of one of our partner warehouse addresses located closest to you for you to send the goods to. From there we will ship internationally to China for you.
Ship door-to-port or door-to-door

When shipping to China, we can either ship to port (if you have your own domestic delivery solution) or ship door-to-door all the way the doorstep of your recipient's address in China.
Ship Direct to China or via Hong Kong
Hong Kong
Depending on the profile of your shipment such as the type of goods being shipped, the documentation you have available for those goods and the volume of the goods being shipped, we can either ship directly to mainland China or ship to Hong Kong first. As you may be aware, imports to Hong Kong are completely free of import taxes and duties and there are special routes that we can use to transport your goods from Hong Kong to Mainland China while also reducing or minimizing the import duties you incur, if any. To find out if your import to China is suitable to go via Hong Kong, inquire with us by contact us at
Customs Clearance in Mainland China

When shipping and importing to China, we also offer you customs broking services for all types of products. You may be required to assist us by providing any applicable documentation pertaining to the goods as and when the need arises. Our door-to-door shipping service to China is typically inclusive of customs clearance and customs duties.
CNXshipping is your gateway to importing to China. Use CNXshipping to ship to China in bulk from any country around the world via air, sea or rail. In addition to international shipping to China, we also offer customs brokering/clearance services for importing all types of goods into China, importing to Mainland China via Hong Kong and can also handle the last mile delivery to your doorstep (or your customer's doorstep) in China. CNXshipping is a comprehensive all-in-one logistical solution for importing into China offering global warehousing, storage, repackaging, labelling, shipping (door-to-door) and customs clearance in China from more than 200 countries worldwide.